Chief Executive passes the buck and is unwilling to meet us

You’ll remember that on 4 January, we sent an open letter to Mike Jackson the Chief Executive of the council.

We never even got an acknowledgment so chased it up on 15 January and received the following reply:

Good Afternoon

On behalf of the Chief Executive I acknowledge your email below, upon investigation I have found your email sent on the 4th January went into junk folders.

I have sent your original email, with the letter attached to our Environment and Community Directorate who will be in touch shortly.

Kind regards,

Kirstie Barker
Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive

We replied to object to this inappropriate response. The letter was not written to Mike Jackson on a whim. It was addressed to him because Environment and Community Directorate are the problem and as Chief Executive he has ultimate responsibility.

You won’t be surprised to hear that Environment and Community Directorate never did respond, so on 5 February we left a voicemail with Kirstie to arrange a meeting with Mike Jackson.

No response.

We chased up again by email on 9 February and received a reply from Kirstie on 14 February:

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

I have raised your request with our Monitoring Officer, we will be in touch with an update shortly.

Kind regards,

Kirstie Barker
Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive

The same day we replied to ask if Mr Jackson is refusing to meet us to discuss this matter since that would not be reasonable in the circumstances.

No response.