
  • Letter sent to ESCSC members

    Today we sent a letter signed by 32 members of this group to the members of the Environment, Sustainability, Culture and Sports Committee. This letter details the various financial, constitutional and governance irregularities during this 4 year old fiasco. It has also been sent to members of the Audit and Finance Committees.

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  • Chief Executive passes the buck and is unwilling to meet us

    You’ll remember that on 4 January, we sent an open letter to Mike Jackson the Chief Executive of the council. We never even got an acknowledgment so chased it up on 15 January and received the following reply: Good Afternoon On behalf of the Chief Executive I acknowledge your email below, upon investigation I have…

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  • Consultation is open on Group Exercise Studio

    You may have noticed from the council’s booking app, that a consultation with residents was opened on 1 February for our views on the group exercise studio. The last day to take part is 28 February. CONSULTATION: Pools on the Park Group Exercise Studio When you get to the question, ‘Which of the following activities…

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  • We must STOP Richmond Council from reallocating £187K funding on 23 January

    Richmond Council has backed itself into a corner. The council’s ongoing lack of transparency and blatant disregard of residents’ wishes has come back to bite itself and now it is trying to escape this sticky situation. At the next Finance, Policy and Resources Committee meeting on Tuesday 23 January 2024, the council is intending to…

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  • Press coverage in Twickenham & Richmond Tribune

    Many thanks to the Twickenham & Richmond Tribune for including our story about the council’s failure to obtain planning permission when they stripped out the health suite in their Edition 374, published on 5 January 2024.

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